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Ordered Projects in the year of 2020-21 Financial Year

Enlisted and completed projects under the Financial Year of 2020-2021

Sl Projects Name & Place Ward Allocation amount Note
01 Construction of road from Keshabpur Matin Bepari's house to north sided Cemetery 08 170000 Done
02 Reconstruction of doors and windows of Jagatpur Union Parishad 05 200000 Done
03 Laying of tiles in the rooms of Chairman, UP Secretary and members of Jagatpur UP Complex 05 200000 Done
04 Reconstruction of road from Jagatpur UP office to Main Road 05 200000 Done
05 Development of Keshabpur Madhyapara Baitun Nur Jame Mosque 08 84953 Done
06 Toilet renovation of Jagatpur Union Parishad 05 73000 Done
07 Development of dirt road from road boundary of Jagatpur Hanu member's house to Mangalkandi bridge 05 80000 Done
08 Construction of road from Raipur Uttar Para Majid to Primary School and construction of road from Hasur Bari to LGED Road 02 640000 Done
09 Road repair from Ismail's house in Bhatpara to Mainarbagh 02 360000 Done
10 Construction of road from Amirabad Jahangir's house to Jalarpar and construction of road from Amirabad Tower to the field 09 560000 Done
11 Construction of mass ghatla at Keshabpur Taru Mia's house 08 200000 Done
12 Construction of road from Sagar Fena Paschimpara Mosque to Government Paka Ghatla 06 170000 Done
13 Construction of main gate of Jagatpur Union Parishad 05 180000 Done